Janis Lanning in 2015
Wife, Mother, Teacher, Daughter, Writer, Housemaker, Accountant, Baker, Gardener, Lover, Disciple
Janis Lanning — wife of Don for 32 years
three successful adult children and their amazing spouses;
nine grandchildren and one-year-old great-grandson

Who looks forward to family gatherings and all the details
sleep-overs, cooking, baking, noise, books, and crafts
Who relaxes — feeling blessed and worn out after everyone leaves
Who appreciates wiener roasts
with a mustard-slathered hot dog lovingly prepared by David “just for the memories”
Who grew up on a farm in Richmond, Missouri
moved away, and later — as only God could plan it — moved back home to rear a family
Who appreciates grandparents and parents modeling love
along with real-life mistakes morphing into second chances
Who loves living in the quiet country
yet, often stays too busy to appreciate the still small voice it shares
Who faithfully plants a garden each spring and not so faithfully manages the weeds.

Who longs to see colorful flowers year-round indoors and out
Who appreciates the first blanketing snowfall of winter; while wrapped in a hand crocheted afghan, reading a book, gazing out the window
Who travels to mountains and beaches, oceans and ponds, near and far
Who learned life through the eyes of a farmer dad and a teacher mom
Who trusted the Lord at the early age of five
and must daily refocus to give Him first place
Who fears failure and criticism, while looking in the mirror at her worst critic
Who possesses a determined, independent attitude
needing to seek forgiveness and accept humility all too often
Who thrives on challenge and learns by experience
doggedly seeking ways to make a difference in her world
Who backpacked and mountain climbed for sixteen days in Colorado’s San Juan mountains
and wishes for such feats again
Who passionately seeks God and diligently studies His Word
Who forever wishes to encourage others
Who hints and suggests way too much
and can unwittingly become a nag
Who takes to heart Colossians 3:23, to work as to the Lord, not man
Who sets personally high standards in teaching, writing, and life general
Who must guard against perfectionism

Who teaches elementary children: a problem solver, idea creator, maker of mistakes
Who writes Sunday school material and camp devotions
Who self-published a cookbook, Just for the Memories
Who stores years of journals, diaries, and teaching units
Who slowly relinquishes her packrat hold on memorabilia and books
Who identifies with the words of former teacher Jim Weate,
“I don’t always like to write; but, I do love to ‘have written’.”
Who considers,
“I don’t like to struggle, fail, or be found lacking; but, I do love to ‘have grown.’ ”